Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Your a Strange Animal

Well - I just returned from a very enjoyable trip to Orlando. Did the usual Disney Park, Seaworld, Cape Kennedy tourist thingy. Had a great time and the weather was fantastic. Did some fancy talking (read - pleading) with the boss and was able to squeeze in a side trip to two stores in Orlando - Colonial Photo and Hobby and The Train Depot. Didnt purchase alot ( had eyes watching me - aka the bosses again.) Included in what I picked up were some Woodland Scenic figures some of which I have already place on the layout - which brings me to the point of this post - its great to include lots of people figures on layouts, but its nice to see some animals present as well. Some of the figures I purchased on my trip included a set of deer by Woodland Scenics. I split the package up and have put a couple in various locations on the layout, and have made it as it would be in reality - you have to really be looking to notice them as they can blend in with their surrondings. I have also added a couple of figures to Lake Sewlongtodoo ( decided to keep the name - at Scotts suggestion) including a couple canoeing and some folks fishing. On a final note, I am off to the MFMR annual convention this coming weekend - sounds like it should be a good time. Till next time....


Scott Jay said...

Very nice Wayne! I have some fauna on the BS&T as well. There's some deer near the tunnel to Wholeinthall, as well as a few bears. They are all in the same general area for now since it is the only wilderness type scenery on the layout. Eventually they will get spread around as you have done.

It's nice to have details on the layout that you have to look for. I read about one guy who had a list of things on the layout that he would give to visitors (usually kids) that they would have to try to find. I thought that was a neat idea.

See you at the Convention! Are you arriving Friday or Saturday?


Unknown said...

well, we all know who you should thank for picking out the fishing people and animals..... *cough, cough*

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

your daughter...

Unknown said...

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