Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Maine Central Switchers

 Hi folks. Well it has been some time since I last posted and I am still in a bit of  low motivation level when it comes to model railroading. I did not attend the last 2 local shows with my On30 group, however I did do an On30 decoder install for  a member of our group ( On30 Forney - Soundtraxx TSU1100 decoder/ with keep alive) as well as participate in a friends operations sessions on his home layout twice this fall. That being said I wanted to post something , so I thought that I would post a picture of what i currently have for switchers on my MEC layout. I currently have a Proto 2000 S3 and an Atlas  Alco HH660.  They are both DCC equipped ( but not sound). I was the original owner of both of these locomotives and was lucky enough to have the friend that I sold them to, resell them back to me a couple of years ago. I have an order put in for a new Atlas S2 that was originally announced a coupe of years ago, but the release date keeps getting delayed with the latest date being Feb 2023 ( we shall see). I ordered a non DCC version , which I will install my own sound decoder in once I get it. Once I get that one, I think I will be good for switchers. Here's a look at my current small switcher fleet. Till next time....

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