Friday, July 15, 2022

Freight Car Friday

 Hi folks:

Well the hot humid dog days of summer are upon us and as mentioned in my last post, time for Model Railroading is limited to any days where the weather is not good ( few and far between it seems). Recently on one of those days, I put together a lumbar load kit from American Model Builders for a Proto 2000 freight car flatcar that I had acquired a few years ago. The kit was easy to put together and because it was laser cut, the only tools need were and xacto knife to separate the parts from the wooden sprues and some yellow carpenters glue. It went together in under an hour or so. The Proto flatcar is decaled for Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo ( TH&B). I bought it from a second hand dealer at a local train show ( was part of an estate) -I think I only paid 5 or 6 dollars for it. It wasn't in perfect condition, - it was missing the brake wheel and a stirrup step and coupe of handrails. Fortunately I had a few left in a TH&B gondola kit that I built and so was able to use those. I also added an American Model Builders laser cut wood deck which I stained with a couple of coats of india ink / alcohol mix. Because this car is now approx 20 -25 years old, it is not the most top of end models, but still looks nice to my eye and with the new lumbar loads, will create some visual interest when on my layout. Till next time...

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