Friday, February 12, 2021

Freight car Friday

 Hi Folks. Well browsing through my recently received March edition of Model Railroader magazine ( I have been a subscriber for ~ 25 years). I came across an article by Lou Sassi on modeling a tractor load for a flatcar in On30. I myself did this several years ago and pretty much did it the same way as Lou did with the exception that I only had one tractor as the load, not two as Lou did. My On30 layout is suppose to be set in an early 50's timeframe, so when I decided to create the tractor load, I had to go on the internet and find a suitable tractor to fit that time period. I was able to find a McCormick -Deering WS6 model and after researching it , I was able to see that the last year of production was 1953, so it would fit right in. Here is a link to the history of this tractor McCormick-Deering W-6 tractor information

Once I received the tractor, I used one of my existing Bachmann On30 flat cars - already lettered for NBR&N and with a Laser cut wood floor already in place. I cut suitable wheel blocking braces and glued these into place so that the would secure the wheels of the tractor . I used Tichy brand NBW casting (painted a rust color) and glue them onto the tops of the wheel braces. Pre blackened A -Line chain was used to "tie" down the tractor to the deck. The ends were glued into the side pocket stakes of the flatcar. This was a pretty easy one night project , and the result is an eye catching load for a flatcar. Take a look:

McCormick Deering WS6

Davenport #16 shoves the flatcar with the new tractor

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