Hi Folks - I have survived the Fine Scale Expo in Peabody, Mass last weekend. I caught a 1 hour flight down and arrived Thursday evening. I met up with Andy Small from the NBR&N parent group out of Rhode Island. Andy had a vendor table set up, and was busy all weekend making sales. I was busy enjoying excellent clinics given by such Model Railroading heavy weights as Dave Frary, Bob Hayden, Lou Sassi, Dave Ravelia, and Brett Gallant to name a few. Another highlight of the weekend was touring George Sellio's Franklin and South Manchester layout. The hotel ran a shuttle service to the F&SM and it was only 5 minutes away. All I can say about this layout was that even though I have been following it for years in the Hobby magazines, you really need to see it in person to get the full magnitude of it...it is beyond words!!I got to meet George and also spoke at length with Rich Josselyn who has been recently been doing most of the photo shots for the F&SM (he has an article in MAR 2011 Model Railroader magazine). A most enjoyable visit . You could feel the excitement in the air on the way there and it was nice to speak with a few others on the tour that like myself had been following the layout in the hobby press and had always been wanting to see it.
There were 2 large rooms set up for vendors to display their wares and I could have spent a lot more $$$ but I had to be careful to not exceed my allowable limit for Canada customs ( well not by much anyway!!!). My biggest purchase was another Sierra West kit (just released O scale Line Side shed) http://www.sierrawestscalemodels.com/oscale/307/307.shtml
The entries for the modeling contest were all absolutely stunning. Attached is a picture of the best in show entry. The quality of the entries surprised me, even though this show as the name implies is for advanced modeling.
The closing banquet was excellent. The food was fantastic and the speeches and entertainment ( one of the attended gave a excellent stand up comedy routine) were first rate. I sat at a table with Andy and new friend Paul Smulders (from Montreal) along with a few of the vendors and show attendees. By the end of the evening, we all knew each other that much better and enjoyed good food and fine company...as I always say, Model Railroaders are the best kind!!
There was talk that next years show may be held in the Lancaster, Penn area. I am already thinking that I want to go again.....time will tell. Till next time.
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