Hi Folks:
Big news on the Nottingham Sub ...albeit a little on the sad side. The Nottingham subdivision is no more. Do to a change in my household situation, the need to have more "recreation space" for my family has necessitated the removal of the layout and turning the room back into a rec room...I have also been toying with the idea of changing scales totally to On30, so that has begun. I have started collecting On30 rolling stock and structures and plan on building a few craftsman type O scale structures over the course of the next few years and after that will probably build a small shelf type layout in the room. I will be remaining active in the local Model Railroading scene and with our On30 modular group. I will leave this blog up for a few more weeks and then it will eventually disappear. Thanks to everyone for reading...and hope you enjoyed the ride!! One last picture post - my On30 Climax at a recent modular group set-up. A glimpse of things to come. Till next time...(possibly).....
Wow, Doug just prompted me to check your blog. All I can say is WOW!
Then again, if you are looking for new homes for any of your locos - either for lease or sale - the US road the BS&T interchanges with could use some new power. At this point a lease or purchase would be considered.
You will have to get in line for leasing MEC units. Hopefully a few of the units will be returning to the WRS.
Sorry to see the Railroad to go, but the new On30 layout will be great.
Looks like the dark side has captured you for sure. I always looked forward to change and I am sure you will have great fun in On30. My buddy Ron Newby is in that scale and he has a great web page. It is a Western BC Narrow Gauge RR with a Creedance Clearwater Revival theme. Should check out Susie Q's. Keep in touch. Consider keeping the blog going and tell us about your RR adventures and ON30 musings.
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