Hi Folks:
Big news on the Nottingham Sub ...albeit a little on the sad side. The Nottingham subdivision is no more. Do to a change in my household situation, the need to have more "recreation space" for my family has necessitated the removal of the layout and turning the room back into a rec room...I have also been toying with the idea of changing scales totally to On30, so that has begun. I have started collecting On30 rolling stock and structures and plan on building a few craftsman type O scale structures over the course of the next few years and after that will probably build a small shelf type layout in the room. I will be remaining active in the local Model Railroading scene and with our On30 modular group. I will leave this blog up for a few more weeks and then it will eventually disappear. Thanks to everyone for reading...and hope you enjoyed the ride!! One last picture post - my On30 Climax at a recent modular group set-up. A glimpse of things to come. Till next time...(possibly).....