Hi All;
Myself and another local modeler have started to build a couple of modules and plan on participating in the UMG group http://www3.pei.sympatico.ca/s.jay/UMG/
This should be a great method to get out and enjoy another aspect of model railroading. It will also give me an opportunity to show the Maine Central flag at local shows and events. We built the modules frames and tops yesterday, and plan on tackling the legs very soon. Have a look at this posts picture to see our results. I'll post more on our progress soon. Till next time...
Well, it's a start. I like how flat it is. And the colour! Is it going to be a sawmill module, 'cause it kinda has that look about it!
Just kidding. It's nice to se more new modules being built!
Looks very nice - Maine Central is one of my favorite roads, so nice to see it represented in the UMG too!
What size are the modules?
You will have fun with the gang from the UMG. How many days to Truro.
Doug the Modules are 5x2 feet - just enough space in my car to handle one - glad I have a hatchback!!!. Dave and I shoul dhave them ready to go by Truro show time!!!Cheers.
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