Well I finally got the chance to run a few trains - when you are in the middle of scenary work, the layout can get to be quite a mess. I mask over my track work to keep plaster and glue off the rails. That being said, I have some areas of the layout that have been masked over for some time. One large area that has been finished as far as major scenary work (details of course to be added) was recently "unmasked" and so I was able to clean the track and finally get 'em running. See the photo below of two hard at work Atlas Alco CN MLW C424 pulling a long freight up the 2% grade.

Another neat item that I have installed on my layout recently is the new Walthers (actually made by Heljan) 90' turntable. This is the prebulit one with indexing and control module included. Before this I had the old Walthers 90' one ( the one that was a kit). It was difficult to build and never worked well for me. I must say it was neat to simple take the old one out and install the new one in its place. The existing hole in the benchwork was a perfect fit, and i incooperated the control box into the layout fascia. Have a look below as visting Atlas Alco RS36 D&H goes for a ride. Well thats it fo now- train show in Truro next weekend - hopefully there will be some neat items up for grabs. Later.
I enjoyed your blog.
I am an MEC modeler as well
Blogspot is maine-central-rr
See you around in cyberspace.
Mike S
Nice to see your work through the blog. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Mike Mc.
Hi, I have just purchased a Heljan turntable the same as yours and im also running a lenz 100 dcc system. Did you buy the AC version or DC version of the turntable and how did you connect it to the power and dcc system. Great blog by the way, regards CHRIS.
Hi, ive just bought the same turntable and am using the lenz 100 system you have also. Can you tell me if you had the dc or ac version of the turntable and if it was dc how you connected the terminals b1 and b2 and U & V to the power supply as the supply to the rails on the turntable should be 12dc but the lenz supply is ac. Thanks Chris
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